In the present day, everyone is looking for a source of the best passive income. There are lots of ways to earn money online. But have you ever wondered what will happen to you, if you are old? If you don’t have the energy to work? In that case, you need a source of passive income. Many of us don’t know what is passive income or royalty income. Let me explain in a simple word.

Passive income is a type of income where you don’t have to work all the time. You will work once and you will get income all time from that source. Suppose you built a house. This is a one-time investment. When the house is built then you can rent the house. So you will get lifetime income from that house. This is called passive income. So in simple words, you will build a project and get lifetime income from that project. you don’t need to work all day long. You don’t have to be worried when you get old.

There are many ways to earn money online. In one case you have to work as a freelancer and another is you will make a project to get passive income. If you work as a freelancer then you have to work hard for others. When you stop working, your income will be stopped. In another case, if you make a project then you can get passive income online.

Now, I am going to write some best passive income ideas online. you can earn lots of money from those sources.


Have you ever wondered how android and ios games are making money? let me explain, You must have seen ads on the game. Games are earning money from showing ads on the game. When users play the game, it will show some ads. From those ads, you will make some money. There are lots of ad networks like Google Admob, Chartboost, Unity Ads, and many more. Adnetwork will provide ads to the game.

Adnetwork will give you money based on some criteria like, how many ads were shown, how many users click the ads, and many more. If you have 100 regular users playing your game daily, then you can earn easily $2-$3 per day. If the number of users increases then you can earn more than $100 per day. This is a perfect source of passive income. Users will play your game lifetime and you will get lifetime income. You can read more details on how to earn money online from games.

Making a game is not an easy task. so you can purchase Game templates and also take the Game reskinning service.



Nowadays affiliate marketing getting popular day by day. Do you know what is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is selling someone else’s product and getting commission from that sale. This can be a source of passive income. If you make a website and list other’s products for sale then every purchase from your website will give you some commission.

There are many affiliates who give a nice amount of commission like 30%, 50%. You can affiliate Designs, Themes from Envato. You can also affiliate games and earn a huge amount of money.


Some people saying blogging era is over. But actually its not true. From the beginning of the history people love to read. So if you are good at writing then blogging is perfect for you. Write unique content and publish them to your website. You can earn money online from your writing. This can be a best source of your passive income. Wondering !! how come you can earn money online from writing articles. let me explain.

Its same like earning money from game. Google and many other adnetworks will show ads on your article. For this ads you will be getting paid. Once you write an article it will be on your website forever. Whenever a user reads your article you earn some money from showing ads. It will be a life time income source. You can make a website and you can earn in many ways like affiliate marketing and also blogging.



Youtube is the number one video platform in the world right now. Have you ever wondered why people are making lots of videos if there is no benefit? You are right, they are not making videos for no reason. Youtube is also giving you money for showing ads. You must have seen ads while playing youtube video. For showing ads Google will give you some money. Now a days youtube became the trending source of passive income.

You can make your daily vlogs and upload it to youtube. if any viewers see your videos then they will see ads. For showing the ads you will earn money online from google. Its one of the best source of passive income.


If you are a designer, then you can publish your designed items to marketplaces like Shutter stock, vector stock. Graphic River and many more. You will be getting paid if any users download your design or purchase your design.

If you think you can’t design well then you can hire many designers from online freelancing websites like Fiverr, Upwork, People Per Hour, and many more. Nowadays many persons are hiring third-party designers and make their designs ready. After the design is complete they publish that design to the marketplace. So by making a one-time payment to the designer you can get a good design and sell it to marketplaces.

This is a lifetime earning source because in the modern world everybody needs a digital design for their content. So you can upload many designs and earn a great amount of money from it. It is reported that in shutter stock they paid near an amount 1 Billion to the designers who submitted their designs to their marketplace.


So why are late? choose the best source of online passive income and start your journey. Keep in mind You will not have the energy to work all time. So make your project ready before others. If you like the article feel free to share it with your friends and family.


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